Modern Lifestyle: Are we good enough?
Such a fascinating and peculiar time to be alive.
After the major social depression that Covid-19 brought all around the world this March, things don't seem to improve. I am writing this article 9 months after the first lockdown and apparently, all signs indicate that we will experience a second major wave of this depressing situation. Working from home is the new norm and everything starts to become strange and kinda awkward. Staying home that long allows you to overanalyze some things inside your head and unfortunately makes you more aware and vulnerable to tricky situations.
You see, humans' mental stability was always something extremely fragile, and once society starts losing the excessive confidence that used to have during previous decades, things starting to change. So as we witnessed this major global effervescent I am wondering: Are we capable to keep up with the modern lifestyle?
Well, the future always seemed to fascinate humankind. Even from the ancient years, our ancestors tried to predict the future with oracles and astrological maps. Humans' curiosity was always stronger than logic. People will always be afraid of how their lives will turn out, and they will always try to secure their stability in every possible way. Nowadays this obsession has become a significant part of our social collective consciousness. Modern life is an unstoppable marathon of sadness and happiness mixed in a peculiar way that people seem to understand and embrace in multiple ways.
Living in 2020 might be scary for some of us. The passion of modern society to explore every single aspect of this life will gradually lead us to a possibly better world. But if we consider the values that society forces us to gain through our journey to this world, we will understand the vanity of our actions. Society has trained us to follow certain values in our adult lives like the feeling of success, stability, love, or superiority. People tend to believe that they have succeeded in their lives just because they have to manage to secure one of these variables, but the real question is what happens after this? We can't try all of our lives to prove ourselves over and over again or can we?